Monday, 22 April 2013


Before going back to work I had time to play around with a few things.

I’ve been trying out ideas for the maze like book structure. The imagery is a bit rudimentary but I’m thinking ruined villages with abandoned buildings and streets. 

I also used some of the images that I prepared for the solar print workshop to have another go at gum arabic transfer printing.

I like the two colour print but it took several goes to get something that worked. I’ve signed up for a print exchange organised by Lesley but I think I think this method is too hit and miss to try and get eight good multicolour prints.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Solar Plate Workshop

This weekend I went on a course at the Hot Bed Press. I took the acetates that I’d prepared earlier.

We were shown how to expose the plates using various UV exposure units. The plates are then developed in warm water before printing. 

My images were printed intaglio but you can also use the process to create relief blocks.

 I like the idea of being able to manipulate the image digitally before printing and being able to get a great deal of detail and a full range of tones from the plate

On the down side you can’t work into the plate to alter and develop it further. I also had problems with the paper sticking to the surface on some of my prints althoug I think that would improve with practice. (The emulsion on the plates also smell foul when its been developed)

But it’s an interesting process that I think I would like to explore more.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

More from the album

Some of the photos I've scanned are not what you'd call flattering.

They're beginning to bring out my dark side.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Family Album

I’m going to a solar etching workshop at the Hot Bed Press in a couple of weeks time and I have to take some acetate transparencies to use to expose the plates. I thought this would be a good opportunity to use some old family photos that we found whilst sorting out junk a few weeks ago.

I scanned the photos, some objects and printed stuff, took some photos I thought might be useful and started to layer them in Photoshop.

I just used objects that I thought would fit the spaces but am finding that I can start to read stories into the images. 

I’m not sure if they will be contrasty enough for the print workshop but I think they may be the starting point for a book.