It’s been a frustrating
day. I’ve tried a variety of techniques, using traditional and more experimental
media to add texture and to stop out the plate.I’m trying
not to be too controlled with these prints and more open to accidental
markmaking. Some techniques have been more successful than others.
Using a wash
of graphic chemical block printing ink mixed with water over the whole plate, and
then dropping in meths (it reacts with the water and pushes the pigment into
interesting shapes) has worked in the past, but not today. It also takes ages
to dry
So I used textured
wallpaper to print white acrylic as a resit
I really
like the way I can use oil pastel to get a drawn line of resist, using
different colours to help me see the different applications between biting
The state of
the plates so far:-
And the test
prints from them:-
They need
working into but I’ll see what happens next
I’ve been reading Jim Dine: A Printmaker's
Document. He uses power tools a lot, I think these may be a bit small to attack
with a chain saw but I’ve got a Dremel lurking in the cupboard!