Friday, 4 December 2015

Bits and pieces

The end of November is when the drama society put on our pantomime (this year it was Cinderella). This means not much else gets done.Though I have had another go at CMYK separation gum arabic prints using my own and photoshoped family photographs for the image. The technique seems to be working but cumulatively the colours are too dark. I think I’ll try the same images again after Christmas but next time I’ll put quite a bit more extender in the ink to make it more transparent.


  1. I think dark and moody works for the top one for sure - a fascinating process to explore and understand - hope you enjoy the next steps (?after the pantomime!)

    1. I like the moody but I'd like to see more detail, the photo looks like it was taken from on reconstructed street in a museum but is actually of what seems to a be an abandoned chemist shop that we found on a side street whilst on holiday in Ireland.


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