Friday, 4 August 2017

A Sample

These are a few of the prints for the literature section of the book structure. So far I have planned, painted and printed four sections and have painted another one.
There are three more sections to paint. One of which I have planned out. To finish this book by the deadline I’ll need to have finished the painting and printing stage by the middle of the month. Tight but just about doable (I hope)


  1. These pages are looking amazing Jac. This is really going to be a stunning work.

    1. Glad you like them. Its looking like I'll probably miss the deadline but I'll still finish the book even if I can't enter it for the exhibition

  2. I can only imagine the hours you've invested in this project Jac! It is looking very polished and I hope you'll show finished copies. I agree with Amanda. I think they will reflect all that work and be stunning.

    1. It looks like I'll miss the deadline. slaving over a hot workbench has had a seriously bad effect on my back. But I'm still aiming to finish the book, just over a longer time frame

  3. Glory be Jac - that is astonishing and astounding! Simply mindbogglingly beautiful! Well done and hope you get across the line!


I really appreciate hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time.