Thursday, 17 August 2017

Man Plans.....

And God laughs. Every now and again this proverb seems apposite.
Last week I had it all worked out.  I could finish painting the book section I was working on which would give me two sections to print on the Friday. Then this week I could paint the last section and left over bits which I could print on Thursday (today). And that would gave me a week while they were drying to work out how to treat the covers and to make the two end sections which are more ‘things’ than ‘books’. And finally a week to stitch it together, photograph it and get it uploaded onto the entry site.  Wildly optimistic, especially given that the whole thing is an experiment anyway, but doable, probably.
Last Friday I woke up and couldn’t get up. Moving was agony. Too much time spent bending over a worktable and not enough changing position and doing other things.  I can now stand (which means I can use the computer at the drafting table), lie flat and sit bolt upright, though none for very long and the transition between them is a bit tricky.
This morning I caught myself looking at the calendar thinking if I miss out a couple of sections and......

 I think it’s time to get real. I will finish it but slowly.
 On the plus side it does mean I can spend time getting it right rather than just OK. And the research and experiments I’ve done so far have given me a whole set of ideas I want to explore further.


  1. Oh dear! I hope that your recovery is steady and sure. It is so difficult working to deadlines, and I'm glad that fully completing the work that has cost - and rewarded - so much so far is the priority. I just hope that you can enjoy the rest of the process.

    1. Thanks. Its getting better slowly. I think it might quite be nice to take my time over finishing it after all

  2. Time spent making your work is never wasted; but frustrating about the deadlines and your poor back. I think you have much to feast upon for future endeavours froths work; and am sure you will finesse this work into something very special now the pressure of time is behind you. Heal well.

    1. The back is improving and missing the deadline does mean that I have time to experiment with the two end sections (which are more object than book) and get them right


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