Wednesday 22 April 2020


I’ve been making a book for the NWBA theme for April/May which is ABC.
It put me in mind of The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie so I thought I’d write my own mystery story.
In the eighties we inherited a lot of books from my parents in law, mass produced hardback books from the forties and fifties. Most of them were red (they had lost their dust covers over time).  I wanted to try and reference that sort of a feel with my book.
You can find the full version of the text here 

I’ve also been working on the ‘areyoubookenough’ monthly challenges. This month‘s theme is ‘Machine’.

I didn’t want to work with cogs and mechanics and decided to use bathing machines as my subject matter. I made a small mockup

and more detailed drawings
which were going to be turned into collagraph plates. But then I sliced open my thumb whilst harvesting rhubarb. It’s healing up fine but I can’t use a knife or scalpel for fine work. The deadline is the end of the month so I think I’m going to end up painting instead - less pressure on the sore bit.

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