Sunday 1 October 2017


I finally decided that using gum arabic or cutting text into blocks was all very well but for some projects you just need proper set type. So last weekend I went to another workshop at HBP. Elizabeth Willow was teaching letterpress, wood type and book making (all in 2 days!).

We had to take a word to use. I chose fragmented. I thought it would lend itself well to book structures.

We used the Adana presses to print metal type on bookmark sized paper
  and the Albion presses for wood type.
 I was overjoyed to find that you can move the metal type onto the relief press and combine the two.
We made the prints into several different book structures.
Even with such a fantastic teacher I know two days is nowhere near enough to become proficient but I’m hoping I’ve learned enough to be able to go in to play and work some of it out for myself now.


  1. great word and great results! welcome to the wild side of letterpress....!!!!!

    1. I've resisted for a long time but now I've tried it I think I'm hooked

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