Friday, 20 January 2012

More thoughts on structure

I’ve sort of set myself the target of updating this every Friday – I figure if I have to find something to say it will be a spur to getting things done.
I think I’m going to need that push. The reality of being back at work is beginning to bite. I’ve not managed much on the book front this week (although I did make it to the life drawing group after work on Wednesday)
I have played more with the idea of structures, towers and windows. From the very simple.

To the far too complicated for an edition.

To something that I’m certain I’ve borrowed from somewhere but I can’t put my finger on it

I quite like this idea of the tower in the middle

 Although the original story does say there is only one window I may choose to ignore that.

I especialy like this different construction which means that when it's folded you can still see the front face of the tower next to the cover.

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